The Department of Nephrology at PIMS is one of the oldest Nephrology, Dialysis and Transplant centres in central Kerala, started in 2001. We became a postgraduate centre for DM in 2019 and we have been granted 2 DM seats per year. The department takes care of all types of nephrology cases like- Acute renal failure, chronic renal failure, acute and chronic nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, Renal hypertension, collagen disorders and Vasculitis involving kidneys etc. Being a tertiary-level hospital, complicated cases are referred to this department from various other centres. A facility for CRRT(continuous renal replacement therapy) for critically ill patients requiring dialysis is also running regularly. Our Medical ICU is an open one where our nephrology doctors also take rounds every day and have a say in the management of our patients. First Hospital in Central Travancore for both related and cadaveric transplants, 10 years of transplanting experience, 24x7 Dialysis unit with Nephrologist availability.
Renal TransplantThe Renal transplant program has been in operation since 2007. The result of renal transplants is at par with the best international transplant centres. The transplant team consists of 3 Urologists, 4 Nephrologists and an anaesthesia team. The department also has a well-equipped post-transplant ICU next to the Operation Theatre.
Dialysis UnitThe dialysis unit is a well-equipped dialysis unit with 25 dialysis machines doing over 18000 dialysis each year including CRRT and SLED around the clock. The dialysis unit has its operation theatre with an ultrasound facility where more than 300 procedures are done each year. Procedures include IJC and femoral dialysis catheter insertions, tunnelled catheter insertions, CAPD catheter insertions, renal biopsies and minor procedures.
CAPD UnitCAPD is also regularly done here along with catheter placement both by the Surgeon and Nephrologist. Automated Peritoneal Dialysis Machine is also available. Patients are trained in ambulatory peritoneal dialysis in the department after catheter placement therapy by trained technicians.